Treasure Trove Nursery

Treasure Trove Nursery is located within the Anniesland Campus.
Treasure Trove Nursery was established in 1991 and provides quality care and education for 60 children aged 6 weeks to 5 years old in a relaxed, caring environment by fully-qualified, experienced nursery staff.
We know that choosing a nursery is an important decision, therefore we hope the following information will answer your questions about our aims and standards of childcare and education, to enable you to have complete confidence that you are making the right choice.
Nursery rooms
The nursery consists of three spacious rooms which cater for babies, toddlers and ante/pre-school children. We are registered for 60 children.
Our rooms
Our baby room is registered for 15 babies and we have five members of staff who look after their needs. All of our staff members are qualified.
Our 2-3 year olds room is registered for 20 children and we have four members of staff who look after their needs. All of our staff members are qualified.
The 'Inventors’ room for 3 to 5 year olds is registered for 30 children and has four qualified members of staff looking after the needs of the children.
Outdoor play
Our safe, secure purpose-built gardens offer a variety of experiences for all age groups of children. The all-weather safety surfacing allows the opportunity for your child to use the garden every day. The garden is fully enclosed providing a safe area for everyone to enjoy the fresh air and exercise. All activities offered indoors are also offered outdoors. The children enjoy daily exercise both indoors and out through music and movement, physical games and the use of outdoor equipment such as bikes, slide, balls and hoops.
The nature garden gives children the opportunity to enjoy planting and growing activities and to increase their knowledge of birds, animals and insects. Plants encourage butterflies and other insects into the garden for the children to observe and squirrels are a common sight in the trees surrounding the nursery.
Treasure Trove is registered with SCSWIS (Social Care and Social Work Improvement Scotland) which was formerly the Care Commission. SCSWIS is the registration and inspection body for all care services in Scotland. The nursery is inspected regularly by SCSWIS (usually unannounced) to ensure that the high standards of childcare and education laid down in the National Care Standards are being met.
Although we are a college-based nursery we also have places for children from outwith the college environment.
Treasure Trove accepts all childcare vouchers.
Vision Statement
In our nursery, we aim to promote a welcoming ethos within the nursery setting which is responsive to the individual needs of children, parents and staff. We promote high expectations and encourage children to thrive and achieve their potential. We work with parents and the college community to ensure that our children feel nurtured, included, respected and valued.
Please read our Duty of Candour Report
For further details, or to enquire about fees, contact the Nursery Manager, Margaret Greenhorn on T: 0141 357 6040 or Email