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Langside Campus
Start Date & time
17 Aug 2024 @ 1pm - 3pm (Saturdays)
Qualification Type
Course Type
8 weeks


In this Mindfulness course, you will learn how mindfulness works and how to practice this in your daily life. This is a practical course; mindfulness is the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose in the present moment. You will learn various different techniques to reduce stress; life can be fast-paced at times and this course will help give you the tools and breathing exercises to slow down and appreciate the things around you. Researchers have shown that when you're not deliberately paying attention to something, your brain goes into default mode causing anxiety and poor communication.

What will I learn?

  • Intoduction to mindfulness, awareness of automatic pilot
  • Body scan
  • Mindfulness of breath
  • Gathering scattered minds, sitting meditation
  • Turning toward the difficult, letting go and letting be
  • Thoughts are not facts
  • How best I can take care of myself
  • Maintaining and extending new learning

Your course will be led by Shabana Ahmed who works for The Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice. She also provides alternative therapies to young adults who have life-limiting conditions who attend the hospice. She is a passionate and dedicated advocate for the development of the young adults palliative care services at The Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice and believes in a holistic approach with her therapies.

Entry requirements (minimum)

A note on Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a state of being aware of what is happening for us in the present moment. This state should be free of judgment or conscious thought and we let go of notions of what we should be doing or how we should be feeling. In being Mindful, we are trying to value our experience at that moment, just as it is, with a sense of compassion, curiosity and acceptance.

It is not therapy, but has been proven to help with stress, anxiety, illness, pain and psychological problems like depression. Using Mindfulness has enabled many to live their lives with less suffering and more contentment.

More questions? Contact us about this course