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Gender Based Violence

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Content Advisory: This page relates to forms of Gender Based Violence, including terms such as sexual misconduct and assault. If you would like to access support without reading further, please follow this link for support


Is it an emergency?

Off Campus: Call emergency services on 999

On Campus: Head directly to the Student Information and Welfare for immediate support.


What is Gender Based Violence (GBV)? 

Gender-based violence or GBV is a type of violence that is directed against an individual or group of individuals because of their gender, gender identity, or perceived gender. This can include physical, emotional, psychological, and sexual violence, as well as harassment and intimidation. GBV can be perpetrated by individuals or groups of individuals, and it can take many forms, including examples (but not restricted to) the list below:

  1. Catcalling: Making inappropriate comments or whistling at someone because of their gender or perceived gender is not acceptable.
  2. Sexual harassment: Making unwanted comments, jokes, or gestures about someone's body or appearance because of their gender is not acceptable.
  3. Stalking: Following someone or monitoring their online activities without their consent because of their gender is not acceptable.
  4. Domestic abuse: Physically, emotionally, or psychologically abusing someone because of their gender or perceived gender is not acceptable.
  5. Sexual assault: Non-consensual sexual contact or behaviour because of someone's gender or perceived gender is not acceptable.
  6. Objectification: Treating someone as an object for the purpose of entertainment or sexual gratification because of their gender is not acceptable.
  7. Blaming: Blaming the victim for the violence or harassment they have experienced because of their gender is not acceptable.
  8. Silencing: Silencing someone's voice or experience because of their gender or perceived gender is not acceptable.

Gender-based violence can have serious and long-lasting effects on individuals, including physical and emotional harm, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Recognising and challenging unacceptable behaviour is important for creating a culture of respect and consent on campus.


Our Commitment

At Glasgow Clyde College, we believe that all members of our community have the right to study and work without experiencing any form of Gender-Based Violence (GBV), abuse, or harassment. The College understands that anyone can be a victim/survivor of GBV.

We are dedicated to ensuring our campus is a safe space for everyone. The College provides a consistent, caring, and timely response when sexual and GBV incidents occur within our community. We prohibit GBV in any form and will not tolerate such behaviour.


Our Response to Gender-Based Violence (GBV)

At Glasgow Clyde College, we are committed to responding to disclosures of GBV with empathy, confidentiality, and effectiveness. Our response may include:

  • Authorising absences for students to attend relevant appointments, such as with support agencies, solicitors, counsellors, or for housing and childcare arrangements, as well as court appearances.
  • Implementing temporary changes to attendance, work arrangements, and workload when possible.
  • Approving requests for advance payments of bursaries or discretionary support.
  • Facilitating access to counselling and other internal support services during college hours.
  • Reviewing and securing personal information, including temporary or new addresses, bank details, and healthcare information.
  • Informing reception and security staff if the alleged perpetrator is known to frequent the college.
  • Establishing necessary security measures to ensure your safety while on campus.
  • Documenting any threatening or violent incidents involving the perpetrator that occur at the college.
  • This list is not exhaustive, and we are open to tailoring other measures to fit your specific circumstances.

We acknowledge that some individuals may be reluctant to disclose or report incidents of GBV due to concerns about past underage drinking or drug use at the time of the incident. We assure you that individuals who make a disclosure or complaint, or who participate in an investigation in good faith, will not face disciplinary action for violations of the College’s policies, for example, related to drug and alcohol use at the time of the incident.

Furthermore, victim/survivors disclosing their experience of GBV will not be subjected to irrelevant questions about their sexual expression, orientation, or past sexual history by College staff or investigators.

We understand the concern about being 'outed' to peers, staff or any person when reporting an incident. Your information will remain confidential and will only be shared with those directly involved in handling your report. You will be informed of any individuals who need to know about your disclosure, such as the Assistant Principal investigating the complaint.

Please be assured that we do not use non-disclosure agreements for students in these situations.

At Glasgow Clyde College, your safety and well-being are our priority. We are here to support you through this process.


Reporting a concern to the College

You can use our Report+Support Tool to report any inappropriate behaviour, whether it is gender-based violence, harassment, or any other form of discrimination.

Report Anonymously: If you prefer not to provide your name.

Provide Contact Details: To be kept informed of next steps and receive the support you need. 

Take a look at the College's GBV Policy and corresponding Guidelines here.

In-Person Support

If you are on campus and not in immediate danger, find a safe space.  If an incident has just happened try and find somewhere you feel safe. If this isn't possible and you are scared or fearful:

Students: Go directly to Student Information & Welfare to speak with Student Advisers or a Safeguarding Officer

Staff: Contact a colleague or HR Adviser


External support and information resources

If you are concerned about yourself or someone else, several organisations can provide support for those experiencing gender-based violence. Please use these contacts for advice and support:

Rape Crisis Scotland

Women's Aid

Amina – The Muslim Women's Resource Centre (

Victim Support Scotland

Men’s Advice Line

Galop (LGBT+ anti-violence charity)

National Domestic Abuse Helpline

For more help and resources, please visit our Report+Support page and scroll down to the support information.

Glasgow Clyde College is committed to creating a safe and supportive environment for all students and staff. Your safety and well-being are our priority.


Commitment through collaboration

Collaborative working against gender-based violence with external partners includes:

Fearless Glasgow

Culture Shift

White Ribbon


We support the 16 Days of Action Against Domestic Violence Campaign each year and collaborate with colleges and universities in the west of Scotland to challenge stereotypical attitudes and behaviors towards GBV, highlighting a zero-tolerance approach.

Police Scotland Campaigns 

#GetConsent Police Scotland - Get Consent 

#Don'tBeThatGuy Police Scotland - Ending Sexual Violence