Procurement Information
Glasgow Clyde College is committed to promote the delivery of value for money through good procurement practice and optimal use of procurement collaboration opportunities and to support and implement where possible the College’s sustainability statement through the procurement function, and to comply with all relevant EU and UK legislation in all aspects of College purchasing.
Further, the College is
- having a dedicated senior management champion responsible for delivering a plan for sustainable procurement for Glasgow Clyde College linked to the achievement levels as set out in the Flexible Framework.
- committing to the Suppliers’ Charter.
- considering the whole life cost of goods and services procured.
- considering the environmental and social impact of goods and services in the tender process.
- communicating and promoting sustainability to all employees and ensuring that it is included in the tender process where appropriate.
- using the Public Contracts Scotland Advertising Portal for goods and services above £50,000.
Glasgow Clyde College is a member of Advanced Procurement for Universities and Colleges (APUC) Ltd which is the Procurement Centre of Expertise for 62 Universities and Colleges. APUC Ltd works collaboratively with universities and colleges in setting up contracts on behalf of the Higher and Further Education Sectors in Scotland. Glasgow Clyde College makes appropriate use of these contracts. The APUC account manager dedicated to support the College is Yvonne Dalgarno. The College also has access to the following:
- National Higher and Further Education Contracts
- Scottish Public Sector Contracts established by Scottish Procurement (Scottish Procurement and Commercial Directorate); and
- Government Procurement Service (formerly Buying Solutions) Contracts
Where the College requires goods, services or works that are not covered by agreements set up by the above, the College complies with limits stipulated in the College Financial Regulations.
Annual Procurement Report 2024
Please click on the link to read Glasgow Clyde College's
Annual Procurement Report 2024
Contract Register
In accordance with the Procurement Reform Act 2014, our contracts register can be viewed here.
The College also has access to the following:
- The College has implemented the Scottish Government's PECOS system for electronically procuring goods and services.
- The service allows routine purchases to be processed electronically from requisition to payment.
- The College, in conjunction with APUC, is working to develop more suppliers and details of their contracted products/services offering onto PECOS as part of the development of comprehensive contract content management available for institutional use.
Procurement Contracts
- National Higher and Further Education Contracts
- Scottish Public Sector Contracts established by Scottish Procurement (Scottish Procurement and Commercial Directorate)
- Government Procurement Service (formerly Buying Solutions) Contracts
- Up to £15,000 - 3 quotations
- Above £15,000 - competitive tender*
- Supplies and Services of £214, 904 inclusive of VAT, (£179, 087 exc. 20% VAT) or above - GPA Tender
- Works of £5,372, 609 inclusive of VAT (£4,477, 174 exc. 20% VAT) or above GPA Tender
- Public Contracts Scotland Advertising Portal (PCS)
- Glasgow Clyde College advertises all tenders above £50,000 through the Public Contracts Scotland Advertising Portal
- The Advertising Portal may also be used for smaller value tenders and/or quick quotes
Suppliers are required to complete a brief self-registration process through the Portal.
Attention Suppliers - It may be in your interest to register with Public Contracts Scotland. Please refer to the Public Contracts Scotland website for further information and advice.
Procurement Strategy
In accordance with the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014, view the College's Procurement Strategy here.
Sustainable Procurement is defined as ‘a process whereby organisations meet their needs for goods, services, works and utilities in a way that achieves value for money on a whole life basis and generates benefits not only to the organisation, but also to society, the economy and the environment’.
Glasgow Clyde College is committed to achieving sustainable procurement by:
- The College is in an on-going process of developing procurement procedures with all elements of the supply chain to ensure social, ethical and environmental criteria are integrated into programmes aimed at achieving best value, as stated in the College Sustainability Policy - Sustainability Test.
- having a dedicated sustainability committee responsible for delivering a plan for sustainable procurement for Glasgow Clyde College linked to the achievement levels as set out in the Flexible Framework,
- committing to the Suppliers’ Charter.
- considering the whole life cost of goods and services procured.
- considering the environmental and social impact of goods and services in the tender process.
- communicating and promoting sustainability to all employees and ensuring that it is included in the tender process where appropriate.
- using the Public Contracts Scotland Advertising Portal for goods and services above £50,000.
The College has adopted the APUC Supply Chain Code of Conduct as part of our commitment to conducting procurement activities in a socially responsible manner, and furthermore supports wider engagement by the supply market with the APUC 'SUSTAIN' programme to assess suppliers' supply chain sustainability credentials. For further information please refer to the 'Code of Conduct'.
Terms and Conditions for Goods and Services
Glasgow Clyde College’s Term and Conditions are used for high and low-level purchases. The Terms and Conditions can be found here.
Supplier Development Programme
Glasgow Clyde College actively takes steps to make it easier for smaller and local businesses to bid for contracts. We encourage businesses to seek guidance from the Supplier Development Programme (SDP) which is a Scottish Government business support initiative using training and information to improve the competitiveness of local businesses.
SDP is a partnership of Local Authorities, Scottish Government and other public bodies working together to bring business support in all aspects of tendering. By assisting businesses to become tender ready for public procurement they improve all-round efficiency, sustainability and market potential. Once your business is registered you can access all of the support they provide for free.
It provides a range of free tender training workshops, aimed at helping small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and third sector organisations who are interested in bidding for public sector contracts.
Training is delivered through workshops and webinars. Courses include finding and responding to opportunities, completing the European Single Procurement Document (ESPD), improving your bid score, and understanding community benefits and sustainability.
If you are interested in accessing this service please see the link below to the SDP website:
Procurement Contacts
- Peter Fee, Assistant Principal - Finance and Facilities - Tel: 0141 272 0624
- Niall Macpherson - Chief Operating Officer - Tel: 0141 272 3324
- Joanne McQuillan, Procurement Manager - Tel: 0141 272 3858
- Lami Ode-Ikwue - Operational Procurement Manager - Tel: 0141 272 3155
The Procurement team can be contacted at