The College Sector
Colleges in Glasgow
In recent years there have been significant changes in the college sector across Scotland. In Glasgow, the three colleges (Glasgow Clyde, Glasgow Kelvin and City of Glasgow) were all formed from mergers of the previous nine colleges which served Glasgow communities. These three Colleges now form the Glasgow region colleges.
In 2014, the Glasgow Colleges’ Regional Board (GCRB) was established and each of the three colleges was assigned to the Regional Board.
GCRB is responsible for:
- Ensuring that college provision across the Glasgow region is coherent and aligned to regional strategy, reflecting the needs of the regional economy and communities
- The allocation of Scottish Government funding to the Colleges within the region to enable delivery of the regional strategy and objectives
- Monitoring of college performance against the Regional Outcome Agreement (ROA)
The Regional Board (GCRB) and the three Glasgow Colleges, whilst each retaining their own independent structures, contribute to the further and higher education services available to students from the wider Glasgow area, from across the UK and internationally.