Green Skills Funding for your Business
Glasgow Clyde College via Scottish Enterprise and Scottish Government, is offering workplace innovation support to companies that are either already active or interested in moving into the clean heat market.
Clean heat includes
Energy efficiency
- Clean heat equipment and delivery systems (such as heat pumps and heat networks and their components)
- Supportive solutions (such as energy storage)
- Enabling solutions (such as digital and smart controls)
- Sources of fossil fuel free energy (such as mine water geothermal energy and waste heat)
How can this benefit my business?
Your business will receive funded strategic workforce development support from a specialist in our Workplace Innovation Team, which could include:
Technical training
- The manufacturing of clean heat equipment and related components and enabling solutions (for example, thermal storage)
- Energy efficiency products
- Heat pump installations
- The commissioning of heat networks or equipment for heat networks
Training in enabling technology
- CAD design, automation and 3D printing
- Electrical and mechanical engineering
- Working with different types of materials
- Data and digital
Training to enhance
- Communication, social media, professional selling, and marketing
- Leadership, customer service, change and project management skills and processes
To be eligible
- Your company must be registered or trading in Scotland
- Have between 10 and 250 employees
- Your company must be located in the Scottish Enterprise area, which covers all parts of Scotland except the Highlands and Islands, Dumfries and Galloway and the Scottish Borders
- Your company must be commited to Fair Work practices
How much will this cost ?
The fund will cover 50% of your overall training fee. The minimum training fee applicable for fund is £10,000, so in this example you would pay £5,000.
How do I apply?
You can apply by clicking on the following link and follow the instructions - Clean Heat Strategic Workforce Development Fund | Scottish Enterprise.
Contact us
Elaine Donnelly E: or T: 07526150092
Gary McDaniel E: