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Glasgow Clyde College receives artwork bequest

Image shows examples of artwork bequeathed with, from left to right, Colin Read and Amanda Dovesi from Drummond Read, Michelle Kaye, Collections Lead at the Glasgow School of Art Archives and Collections and Jon Vincent, Principal of Glasgow Clyde College.

Glasgow Clyde College has received a bequest of sketches and artwork from the estate of the late Lillian Muir Lawrence, known as Lin, who was originally from Glasgow and who studied Drawing and Painting at Glasgow School of Art (GSA), graduating in 1947.  

Lin had a keen interest in fashion and initially developed a career in fashion illustration, receiving commissions in poster art, as well as preparing promotional advertising artwork when major Glasgow department stores brought out new lines. 

Lin’s interest lay with fashion design and make up supervision and she became a fashion artist in the early days of television, working for ATV in London and then for Granada television in Manchester in the 1960s and was involved with some of the earliest Coronation Street productions as well as working on many classical theatre productions. 

The Glasgow School of Art’s Archives and Collections have also accepted a range of self-portraits, life drawings and landscapes which Lin produced whilst a student there. Speaking at the handover ceremony, Michelle Kaye, Collections Lead at The Glasgow School of Art Archives and Collections commented, “I’m delighted to be able to accept a number of items from this collection, primarily work that was created during Lin Lawrence’s time at GSA. Lin graduated with a diploma in drawing and painting in 1947 and I’ve selected four paintings, some of which are self-portraits from that period, from 1946 and 1947, as well as a number of landscape paintings, some life drawings, and some artworks by her tutor, Hugh Adam Crawford.  This is a really wonderful addition to our holdings as it’s a particularly interesting period for GSA, when in the aftermath of the second world war, materials were in really short supply, so it’s interesting to see the kinds of artworks being produced during that period.” 

Jon Vincent, Principal at Glasgow Clyde College added, “We particularly have renowned specialisms in art and in fashion, so it’s of great delight to me that we’re able to receive the fashion sketches as well as the still life and other artwork. I know the members of staff and students at the college will enjoy looking at those immensely.” 

The College is delighted to accept the collection which will be displayed at Cardonald Campus alongside a self-portrait of Lin.

Some examples are shown below:

Images shows examples of Lin Lawrence fashion sketches

Image (top) shows from left to right, Amanda Dovesi and Colin Read, from Drummond Read, Chartered Arts and Antiques Surveyors, Michelle Kaye, Collections Lead at the Glasgow School of Art Archives and Collections and Jon Vincent, Principal of Glasgow Clyde College.