Student newspaper 'Clyde Insider' out today

The Christmas edition of Glasgow Clyde College’s student newspaper, the Clyde Insider, has been published today with a brand-new image.
The student paper, produced by first year HND Practical Journalism students, has been re-launched with a new design to cater for our student audience.
Our journalism students have worked round the clock on the paper, which is packed full of exclusive stories, including interviews with Blackadder legend Sir Tony Robinson and actor Johnny Mac, who is appearing in this year’s Aladdin panto at Glasgow’s SECC with Wet Wet Wet singer Marti Pellow.
There is also advice on how to cope with the winter blues and exam stress, plus plenty of college news, including Glasgow Clyde College's efforts to be awarded Fair Trade status.
For the first time, our students have worked with award-winning designer, Claire Thomas, of Velvet Design, who helped re-brand the paper to suit the student audience.
The 20-page paper has a new masthead and is more design-focused, while maintaining its reputation for delivering strong news stories and exclusive interviews.
Clyde Insider deputy editor, Hannah Gunn, said: “I really enjoyed working on the Clyde Insider, making our own paper from start to finish was a great way to learn about the process of producing a newspaper and how much work goes into it. Everyone in the class worked together and put in so much effort and time to this, and although it was a bit of a challenge sometimes (realising final draft number 227 still had errors!) it was so worth it and it will be good to see the final copy.”
Hannah McLaren, on the design team, said, "Having the artistic freedom to redesign the Clyde Insider this year was a huge challenge, but also a huge success. Working as a team on this brought us all closer together as a class and, personally, taught me a great deal about what does and doesn't makes a publication work. It's a pretty impressive first attempt ... if we do say so ourselves."
Karen Bale, journalism lecturer said “This year the Clyde Insider has been completely re-branded – we’ve worked with an exceptionally talented designer, Claire Thomas, of Velvet Design, who helped re-design the paper to suit the student audience."
“We are lucky we have a number of talented designers in our class who worked hard to complete the project. Our news team produced some breaking news stories and have out-done themselves with content, while we have one of the strongest feature writing teams we’ve ever had. It’s a gem of a paper, and it’s lovely to have our first ever Christmas edition.”