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National 4 student wins Young Scots Writer Award

Scots Language Winner Thomas Atkins with staff

Congratulations to National 4: Arts student Thomas Atkins, who is celebrating after winning the Young Scots Writer award at this year’s Scots Language Awards. The awards showcase Scots language and culture within the arts as well as in daily life, education and business.

Thomas started at Glasgow Clyde College on the Prince’s Trust Programme, before joining the National 4: Arts course in August. With a keen interest in writing, he credits the College with helping him to develop a writing style as well as building confidence in writing. Thomas’ grandfather’s stories of growing up in Glasgow in the 1940s had always been a source of inspiration, and Thomas had begun to write them down for posterity.

When he was looking at some writing resources online Thomas saw the Scots Language competition advertised and decided to enter it. He decided to rewrite his grandfather’s stories in Scots, and entered the 1600-word piece, ‘Billy Barr ‘n’ Jonny Jimison’s Day Oot’ in the competition – and discovered he had won in September. The winners were announced at a ceremony held in Johnstone Town Hall and Thomas received a commemorative award as well as £100 book vouchers.

Thomas’ winning short story has also been shared with his class, who have been able to analyse the text and use it to enhance their learning.

Image shows lecturer Katrine Spowart, Thomas Atkins, Prince's Trust Team Leader Thomas Walker and Curriculum Manager Karen Bale