Students learn from best-selling Scottish author

Students at Glasgow Clyde College have gained some unique inspiration from one of Scotland's most popular novelists after Christopher Brookmyre delivered a 'meet the author' event as part of Book Week Scotland (21st - 27th November).
The crime writer talked to around 60 Higher English students at the College about his latest novel, Black Widow and answered their questions on writing and literature.
The event was one of 102 around the country funded by the Scottish Library and Information Council (SLIC) as part of its programme of author events in libraries for the annual national celebration of books and reading.
This year for the first time, FE college libraries took advantage of funding to put on author events for students, staff and, in some areas, local communities.
Glasgow Clyde College is renowned for its partnership work with organisations across the sectors it teaches in, providing students with the essential learning experience to build future careers or continued education.
Loraine Forde, Library Manager at Glasgow Clyde College said:
“We designed the event specifically for our Higher English Higher students to stimulate their interest in literature and reading. It was a great opportunity for them to draw inspiration from someone who has built a successful career as a writer. We may have some budding novelists among us and this type of career event can help people realise their potential.
“In addition, we have recently refurbished the library at our Langside campus and this was a great way of showcasing our new service and encouraging more people to use the library.”
Pamela Tulloch, Chief Executive at SLIC said:
“I’m delighted that our member libraries from further education colleges joined us for the first time this year to deliver a packed programme of author events for Book Week Scotland.
“College libraries obviously play a very important role in learning, skills and education, but they can also make a huge contribution to literacy by encouraging more people to read for pleasure. The library sector is also joining forces to promote libraries as a cultural and community space and the author events are likely to entice more people into the library, perhaps some people who have not been in a library for some time.
“This year’s Book Week Scotland theme is ‘discovery’ and we hope that the author events helped people to discover more about libraries and what they offer.”
Picture shows Christopher Brookmyre with student Dawn Mooney, winner of a signed copy of his latest book, Black Widow.