Glasgow Clyde College is awarded the Menopause Friendly Accreditation

Glasgow Clyde College is the first college in Scotland to be awarded The Menopause Friendly Accreditation.
Being menopause friendly is important to Glasgow Clyde College (GCC) as it supports employee wellbeing during a significant life transition that brings many changes for its colleagues. Over 60% of the College's staff are women, with 50% of those over the age of 50. As menopause affects such a significant number of people, GCC wanted to do all it could to support and retain its valuable talent and the experience they bring.
The Menopause Friendly Accreditation, established by Henpicked: Menopause in the Workplace, recognises high standards and proven practices that embrace menopause in the workplace. To achieve The Menopause Friendly Accreditation, employers are assessed by an independent panel and must demonstrate evidence of their effectiveness in six key areas: culture, policies and practices, training, engagement, facilities and evaluation.
Three things of which the Glasgow Clyde College menopause friendly team are most proud in terms of the changes that have been implemented are:
- Providing menopause training for all managers to make managers aware of signs and symptoms of menopause to encourage open and supportive discussions with their staff.
- Establishing a monthly Menopause Forum where staff can chat freely and ask questions from others experiencing or affected by menopause.
- Creating a more open and honest culture to help normalise menopause as a normal stage in life by showcasing stories and experiences of staff who are thriving and embracing life during and after menopause.
Lorraine McGaw, Assistant Principal: Human Resources at GCC, said: “We’re delighted to have been awarded the Menopause Friendly Accreditation. Going through menopause can be a really challenging experience for many women, and it’s important that employers recognise this, raise awareness amongst colleagues and and offer support where possible.
“Being a menopause friendly employer means that we provide a welcoming working environment that allows women to bring their best selves to work. By actively supporting staff, listening to feedback, investing in training and putting practices in place that normalise menopause, we’ve created an open and honest culture where staff feel empowered and valued. It has very much been a team effort, and to be recognised with this accreditation is fantastic.”
Achieving The Menopause Friendly Accreditation helps show that Glasgow Clyde College will continue to foster an inclusive culture and promote employee wellbeing. “When people feel supported, they are more likely to feel valued and respected, leading to improved mental health, job satisfaction and engagement,” explains Lorraine, who also has this advice for other organisations wanting to get started on becoming menopause friendly.
- Do your homework! We liaised closely with Henpicked: Menopause In the Workplace and accessed their resources to guide our training and support
- Create a bespoke menopause policy to highlight your commitment and support.
- Conduct a staff survey to measure and gauge the level of understanding, support and commitment that is currently in place and what else needs to be done.
“Glasgow Clyde College impressed our independent panel with its dedication to supporting every member of the college’s workforce through life's transitions, ensuring they feel valued, understood and empowered,” says Deborah Garlick, CEO and Founder of Henpicked: Menopause in the Workplace. “Their approach has created a supportive and inclusive working culture which nurtures good health, wellbeing and inclusivity.”