New Dyslexia Initiative Launched

A Glasgow wide initiative has been launched to help support adults to and through college who have dyslexia.
The programme, launched in partnership with Glasgow Clyde College, Dyslexia Action and Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector (GCVS), will create a visible and supported learning route for learners with dyslexia and dyslexia type tendencies. The project will be open to existing students and learners from the local community.
Working collaboratively, the partners will offer current and prospective students with dyslexia support to attend and progress within the College. The Pathway will consist of two hour sessions running weekly for 10 weeks at Glasgow Clyde College’s Cardonald Campus. The first block will commence on 29 November 2016 and the second in March 2017.
Sallie Condy at GCVS, said: ““The project aims to ensure that dyslexia is not seen as a barrier to going to or completing a college course, it is open to the community and will be offered to Glasgow Clyde College and community learners free of charge.”
The need for the support programme was identified following a meeting between Glasgow Clyde College CLD team, GCVS and Dyslexia Action who recognised a gap in local service provision to those with dyslexia.
Anne Rogerson, from Dyslexia Action, said: “All of the partners realised there was a significant gap in services within the local area so we looked at different ways to help bridge the gap and offer our expertise and support, The Pathway uses all our strengths to deliver an engaging programme for students and the community.”
To book a place on this course potential students can self-refer or can be referred by partner agencies by calling Victoria McHard on 0141 357 6115 or by email
The initiative has been funded by Glasgow Clyde Education Foundation.