Lifelong Learning students fundraise for Cancer Research UK

A group of students on the Lifelong Learning course at Cardonald Campus recently raised over £876 for Cancer Research UK. This brings the total the course has raised since 2014 for Cancer Research UK to an amazing £2221.55.
The students have raised the funds as part of the Personal Health unit of their course. The students decided which charity to support and planned what they would do to fund-raise, choosing to take part in a sponsored charity walk at Bellahouston Park. As part of this they trained by walking every week, increasing the distance gradually, leading up to the day of the event. They also handed out sponsor sheets and did a collection bucket run at the Cardonald Campus, starting from the top of the 10th floor right down to the ground floor, to see how much they could collect in an hour.
The collection buckets raised £516.43 and the individual sponsor sheets raised a further £360.
Well done to all students involved!
(Picture shows the students presenting the cheque to Rowan Main, local Cancer Research UK Fundraising Manager)