Winners announced in Embracing Diversity Competition

HND Visual Communication student Natalia Piasecka has won an Embracing Diversity competition organised by the College. The competition asked current students to use their creativity to embrace diversity at the College.
Natalia, who studies at the Anniesland Campus, won with her entry, ‘Human Body Packaging’, and received £400.
‘Human Body Packaging‘, features photography for a poster campaign to raise awareness of diversity, depicting a body with the slogan ‘Packaging may vary, contents the same’ and a barcode across it.
Natalia commented on her entry, ‘No matter how different we are, we are all human. We live, we love we feel the same. I wanted to send a message of diversity to the world, don’t judge, just embrace it.’
The judges praised the high standard of the entries this year, commenting on the quality of the work and the clarity of the diversity message within the finalists.
Natalia’s winning entry will now go forward to represent Glasgow Clyde College in the Glasgow Regional Final of the competition. The winner of this competition will be announced in June.
Three runners up were each awarded £200. They are:
Anna Stodulska, HND Visual Communication: Photography ‘Donuts’
Santiago del Pozo, ESOL: Fine Art Painting ‘Glasgow’s Colours’
Lan You, ESOL: Painting ‘Two Faces’
Image shows: Brian Hughes: Vice Principal (Judge), Natalia Piasecka, Lan You, Anna Stodulska, Santiago del Pozo and David Marshall: Director of Student Services (Judge)