Community magazine Clyde Outside published

Ambitious Glasgow Clyde College journalism students have launched a community magazine – covering Cardonald, Anniesland and Langside.
The brand new, innovative publication, Clyde Outside, is a brand extension of the college newspaper aimed at students, The Clyde Insider.
The Clyde Outside is aimed at local people in each of the communities surrounding the GCC campuses – and it hits the shelves today.
This week the second year HND students will distribute 4,000 copies of the magazine to community groups, local shops, church halls and sports centres.
As a result of a huge amount of market research the students have carefully tailored the magazine to suit their targeted readership within each local area.
Their 32-page magazine boasts a wealth of exclusive features – including interviews with celebrity chef Jak O’Donnell and politician, Tommy Sheridan.
The magazine also focuses on local people- from a much-loved lollipop man to a 14-year-old national basketball star.
Editor Lauren Mair said: “I am really proud of how the magazine turned out. It has great stories, interviews and design, and we all worked very hard to produce it.
“Clyde Outside is a magazine for everyone in the community to hear about inspiring people living in their area and stories that affect them.”
The students are also launching an online edition of their magazine along with social media sites.
Their second edition will be printed in June.
Journalism lecturer Karen Bale said: “I’m really impressed and inspired by what the students have created.
“It’s a fantastic local community magazine which fits a gap in the market and could work as a long-term, successful and profit making magazine if they put their minds to it.
“The design is second to none and the stories are perfect for the demographic the magazine is aimed for.
“It’s a pleasure to read the magazine and I’m incredibly proud of our students. I think a number of them will go on to become big names in the world of journalism and I look forward to seeing them succeed.”