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Nursery kids aim to repeat success of foodbank initiative

Treasure Trove Nursery Food Bank Initiative

More than 30 young children are set to host an Easter Bake to raise funds for Glasgow’s North West Foodbank – just weeks after staging a similar event to aid the city’s impoverished at Christmas time.

Kids aged 3-5 at Treasure Trove Nursery, part of Glasgow Clyde College’s Anniesland Campus, will help bake and sell shortbread and biscuits to generate funds for the purchase of food to be donated to those in need. The initiative, led by Isabel Paton, head of the nursery, forms part of a sustainability project taught to members of the nursery.

Margaret Greenhorn, manager at two of the College's nurseries said: “With the children, we’re learning about sustainability and globalisation. We are trying to encourage the children to learn about money and what you have to do to earn money.

“The children are gaining an early understanding of the wider community and our world. The staff are teaching their young learners about values, knowledge, attitudes, capabilities and skills that will enable them to contribute effectively to the common good.”

As part of their successful first ‘bake’ event, children made tasty treats with the help of nursery staff and invited their parents to attend a Christmas Café to buy and sample their creations. With £39 raised, the children went to a local pound shop and spent the proceeds on goods to be donated to the foodbank. Parents who attended a subsequent Christmas party brought further contributions for the children to pass on to the foodbank.

“The children very much enjoyed the process of making, selling, and donating to the foodbank,” said Margaret. “We would like to attempt to repeat the success of our initial fundraiser and contribution to the foodbank with a Spring Bake, and we are hoping to be able to donate even more this time.”