Glasgow Clyde College gains STEM award

Glasgow Clyde College has been recognised as one of Scotland’s foremost providers of education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Following an assessment process involving industry experts, the college’s provision to students of STEM subjects was identified as meeting the needs of business and industry.
Glasgow Clyde College – which consists of campuses at Anniesland, Cardonald, and Langside – received the STEM Assured award at a ceremony at the Institute of Directors in London from quality assurance body NEF, traditionally the New Engineering Foundation. The college worked with NEF’s Innovation Institute to develop its strategy in STEM subjects.
Eric Brownlie, Director of Learning and Teaching at Glasgow Clyde College, said: “Glasgow Clyde College believes that a focus on STEM education should sit at the heart of the development of our young and emerging workforce. Our STEM manifesto commits the college to further strengthen our STEM portfolio and inspire young people to engage in high quality learning and teaching.
“The college has well established and successful industry partnerships and we will enhance this work to ensure programmes are fit for purpose and employers are fully engaged in the development of industry-relevant qualifications.”
Glasgow Clyde College will continue to work with key industry partners, using emerging technologies to develop innovative and high quality provision across the STEM curriculum. Its ambition is to produce graduates with an entrepreneurial mindset and whose technical and functional skills and ability to solve problems will prove beneficial to industry and the wider economy.
Brownlie added: “All young people should be able to progress seamlessly on their learning journey and we will maximise progression opportunities for students into higher education and employment. Part of this will be to promote innovation and the use of emerging technologies in STEM delivery thus enriching the student experience.
“We would like to widen access and ensure even the most disadvantaged groups have opportunities to undertake STEM related programmes. We will work closely with school and industry partners to deliver coherent pathways aimed at increasing participation, addressing gender imbalance and inspiring all young people to engage in science, technology, engineering and associated subjects.
“We also recognise the importance of connecting STEM knowledge and skills across different disciplines and will work closely with employers to ensure STEM skills can be applied across a range of sectors using project-based approaches.”