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Jewellery talent on show

Silver Jewellery

Glasgow Clyde College's Jewellery department is part of a fantastic event being held from 10-13 September at Lyon and Turnbull Auction House. 'Elements - A festival of Silver and Gold in Scotland' will show pieces of expert crafted metal work, featuring many students from Glasgow Clyde College. 'Elements' will be held at the Lyon & Turnbull showrooms, 33 Broughton Place, Edinburgh, the Private View on Wednesday 9th September 2015, and the Fair running from 10-13 September inclusive. The Incorporation of Goldsmiths are offering a stand to the colleges at no cost.

‘Elements’, part of Edinburgh’s ’Silver September’ celebration, is also showing the work of selected contemporary jewellers and silversmiths, including GCC Cardonald staff currently Senior Lecturer, Anne Clare Graham and former lecturer / Head of School ,David Hempstead, with department lecturer, Professor Roger Millar’s work being on show in a special display by the Incorporation of Goldsmiths, including pieces in the Bute House Collection and ‘Silver of the Stars'. 

The HND Jewellery and Silversmithing course at Glasgow Clyde College was established in 1983.

Its focus is on Design and Manufacture, incorporating design through studio-based drawing projects and the teaching of specific craft skills such as casting,stone-setting, jewellery fabrication and silversmithing.

Glasgow Clyde College was instrumental in developing the NQ and HND courses for SQA. It was the lead college in the last HND validation and part of the Quality Development Team with Glasgow Kelvin College and Fife College.

Its reputation for developing skills in students has gained strength over 32 years so that they are able to articulate into Higher Education or progress direct into industry. Silversmithing is also actively promoted by the Incorporation of Goldsmiths as a Scottish industry. This course is taught by experienced jewellers, including Anne Clare Graham, Karen Ann Dicken, Maciej Sankowski, Melissa Harrison and silversmith, Professor Roger Millar. They are all practising makers and maintain close links with galleries and jewellery and silversmithing companies in Scotland and abroad, and exhibit nationally and internationally. 

Over the past three years, Glasgow Clyde College has achieved the highest number of students articulating into second, third, and fourth year BA(Hons) courses and at Glasgow School of Art, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Edinburgh College of Art and Birmingham City University . One student even entered directly to Masters level. Those students who have not applied to Higher Education have been successful in gaining employment in Industry, in established companies such as Laing's the Jewellers, John Macintyre and Sons, Diamond International, and James Brown & Co. Others have chosen self-employment or pursued design-based and educational careers, as job opportunities are wide and diverse. Our students who have engaged in the department’s International projects such as Comenius across Europe, and joint projects with Niessing in Germany have gained a wealth of experience. Some of these successful ex-students are now, or have been, employed as lecturers in NQ and HND Jewellery courses. 

We are showcasing the work of the final year HND students that they produced for and were funded by the Scottish Goldsmiths Precious Metal Bursary Fund.

Professor Moignard, MA DPhil FSA FRSE. Professor of Classical Art and Archaeology at University of Glasgow comments:

”My experience of your graduates is that they take those skills forward very strongly, whether they go into HE with them, or into business, and their work is very clearly grounded in a practical expertise which they have acquired in your programmes. The coverage of materials and techniques, traditional orinnovative, is outstanding.”.