Prince's Trust students mark successful completion

Well done to Prince's Trust Team 51, which has recently completed a 12-week Prince's Trust programme at Glasgow Clyde College's Langside campus.
The Prince's Trust Development Programe at Glasgow Clyde College runs twice a year at Anniesland and Langside campuses and is designed to help you uncover your hidden talents and improve your confidence, as well as gain a nationally-recognised qualification and develop English and maths skills.
Over 12 weeks, the students took part in an activity week, community project, completed a two-week work placement and a team challenge. Thank you to our programme supporters Barclays, Atos and local agencies and partners.
To recognise their achievements, the students who joined the programme in April, aka Team 51, met for a ceremony (pictured above), where they were presented with certificates to mark the end of a busy 12 weeks.
Well done, Team 51!