Glasgow colleges launch new regional strategy

The three Glasgow Colleges and the Glasgow Colleges’ Regional Board (GCRB) have launched an ambitious first regional strategy for college education. It pledges to build Scotland’s most inclusive, responsive and effective regional college system.
A new Glasgow city curriculum will offer a broader choice of learning options that tie into real job opportunities right across the Glasgow city region. College staff will be able to share skills, knowledge and ideas to develop the new curriculum, and influence the future of our colleges.
The new strategy is committed to widening access and making it easier for people from disadvantaged communities to benefit from a life changing college education.
Speaking at the launch, Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science, Shirley-Anne Somerville, said “Improving education and life chances is the defining mission of this government and Glasgow’s regional approach will help build careers and contribute to Scotland’s modern, successful, dynamic economy.”
The event was hosted by eight regional Foundation Apprentices (pictured above with Shirley-Anne Somerville) at Glasgow Kelvin College’s East End Campus.
GCRB was established as part of the Scottish Government's programme of college reform. To find out more about the GCRB and read The Glasgow Region Strategic Plan for College Education 2017-2022, visit the GCRB website.