Glasgow Colleges recognised once again with Inspiring City nomination

A student support programme delivered by Glasgow Clyde College and Glasgow Kelvin College, in partnership with Glasgow City Council Education Department, is shortlisted in the Inspiring City 2018 – People Make Glasgow Awards for the second year in a row.
The Enhanced Vocational Inclusion Programme (EVIP) is a unique programme that offers vulnerable young people an alternative to mainstream secondary school education. It is a ‘virtual’ school designed to provide a vocational and employment focused learning experience for those who require intensive support and ongoing coaching.
The unique EVIP programme has been nominated for the Education category at the Inspiring City Awards, which recognise a pioneering achievement by an individual or institution that has made an impact on the learning and development of Glasgow citizens at all levels.
Jon Vincent, Principal at Glasgow Clyde College said: “Our priority is to support young vulnerable people in Glasgow in the hope that they will leave the programme with qualifications, a new-found confidence and an opportunity for progression to further study. It’s great for everyone’s hard work to be recognised once again and it’s a credit to all the staff and young people themselves.”
EVIP’s aim is to provide an alternative college based experience for pupils entering 4th year at secondary school who are seriously at risk of disengaging with the school curriculum and could benefit from undertaking a college programme. Each year, approximately 100 young people are identified by schools and support services as a vulnerable young person or who fall into the following criteria: looked after (at home or accommodated), on the Child Protection Register, subject to Vulnerable Young Person procedures, young carers or young people experiencing severe additional support needs.
Jon continues: “While it supports some of the most vulnerable young people in Glasgow to achieve qualifications, the initiative also helps deliver key national priorities, including Developing the Young Workforce, Curriculum for Excellence and Getting it Right for Every Child.”
Alan Sherry, Principal of Glasgow Kelvin College, said: "We are thrilled that the EVIP partnership has once more been shortlisted for the Inspiring City Awards. This innovative programme provides full-time college-based learning for young people facing a series of challenges. Equipping them with vocational skills, practical experience and personal development has opened up a range of progression opportunities, benefiting them and their families. Their success, and that of the programme, can only be achieved through strong partnership working which has the learners' wellbeing and interests at its core.”
The prestigious Inspiring City Awards, supported by The Herald and Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, recognise the new generation of citizens who are making a tremendous contribution to the cultural and economic climate of Glasgow. Both colleges are gratified at such a sound endorsement of their work in delivering learning innovation and support, creating opportunities in education through strong partnership working.
The Awards ceremony will take place at the Marriot Hotel, Glasgow on 6th September 2018.