Be part of a national TV Advert

ADVERT: National College TV Commercial
There is an exciting opportunity for a selection of 4 to 6 college students from any college in Scotland to take part in an upcoming TV for broadcast on STV from the beginning of November. The purpose of the advert is to highlight the benefits of a college education.
If you would like to take part in the advert, here’s what you need to do:
Audition requirements
Email to confirm that you are interested in taking part and attach a copy of a video from your phone.
The video should include the following three things:
- Say your name
- Say your course
- And give us a smile
Proud Motion will then select a mix of students to reflect the demographics required for the ad.
Please send your videos to no later than 5pm Monday 15 October.
Filming Date:You must be free on Friday 19th October from 8am – 5pm
Location: Location will be central Scotland and will be confirmed soon
Travel Expenses: will be paid
Requirements for the filming
We will be looking to get shots of students in various locations including city, leisure, social and rural. We will try to ensure the location picked can achieve all of these things without the need to move around too much.
Actions required from the students taking part will be national action shots, siting, walking, looking at something and each student will be required to do a smile to camera.
Each student should bring two costume changes of casual/stylish clothes (similar to what would typically be worn to college). Please ensure these are clean and ironed and please also ensue clothing items have no visible brands or logos.
Release form
Prior to filming, you will be asked to sign a Release Form giving your consent to your image being used in a TV/Social Media and Print campaign for a period of up to 24 months.
Don’t be shy! This is a fantastic opportunity to get involved in real TV production work experience – and to star in a TV advert! The advert will be aired on STV through November and will be used by colleges across Scotland on their websites, in-college TV screens and social media. We are looking for a wide range of students on any course, of any age and background.