Glasgow Clyde College validated for Professional Update

Glasgow Clyde College has received Professional Update (PU) Validation from The General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS).
The validation follows an event held in the Cardonald Campus in May 2019. The college’s Professional Review and Development (PRD) policy and process is supported through its organisational development and includes tools for self-evaluation and reflection on practice including a commitment to identify and discuss development needs.
The college was committed to supporting induction, accessing and gaining teaching qualifications and continuing academic and professional development. The Panel heard that the college has a robust four-stage induction programme for new lecturers supported by learning and teaching fellows, called the Learning and Teaching Professional Pathway. Lecturers can access this pathway as a new employee as well as during and after gaining the Teaching Qualification in Further Education (TQFE).
Vikki Robertson, Senior Education Officer, GTCS said, “The Panel was pleased to fully validate Glasgow Clyde College for their professional development policy and processes and commitment to ensuring that staff are encouraged and supported to engage in high-quality professional learning.”
Jon Vincent, Principal and Chief Executive, Glasgow Clyde College said, “I am delighted that Glasgow Clyde College has received GTCS validation of our Personal Development Process which demonstrates unrelenting commitment to personal and professional development. Our mission is ‘inspirational learning; changing lives’ and we can only achieve this through the continuous development of our staff.”
Ken Muir, Chief Executive and Registrar, GTCS said, “Glasgow Clyde College has shown great commitment to engaging with the PU Validation process and supporting staff in their professional development. We are pleased to award them this quality work in recognition of their progress.”
Since 2016 college lecturers registered with GTCS have been required to commit to engaging in ongoing professional learning across their career. This process is called Professional Update and is a requirement of professional registration with GTCS.
The process requires lecturers to engage in career-long professional learning through the PRD process in college, self-evaluate using the Professional Standards for Lecturers in Scotland's Colleges and/or GTCS Professional Standards, maintain a reflective professional learning record and discuss the impact of this professional learning through professional dialogue with a line manager. This ongoing process is signed off every five years through GTCS.
Image shows: Ken Muir Chief Executive and Registrar: GTCS, Jon Vincent Principal and Chief Executive: Glasgow Clyde College and Dr Carol Langston Senior Education Officer: GTCS