Community students launch 'Pollok Paper' newsletter

Well done to students on the Community Newsletter course based at Pollok Community Centre, who have celebrated the launch of the new newsletter ‘Pollok Paper’.
The 12-week class, which is delivered by Glasgow Clyde College at Pollok Community Centre, covered a range of areas, including selecting and creating layouts, creating and choosing content, gathering and writing news, editing and photography.
The group worked together to create the newsletter, which aims to provide the people of Pollok with information and resources which can help them in their everyday life. The newsletter was launched this week and the group aim to continue to produce the newsletter regularly.
The course received funding from the Multiplier Fund.
Take a look at the Pollok Paper newsletter here
Top image shows member of the class with staff from Glasgow Clyde College including Cheryl McLean: CLD Officer, Kyle Bettley: Curriculum and Quality Lead, Faculty of Access and Continuing Learning, John Rafferty: Deputy Principal and Claire Donaghey: Assistant Principal, Access and Continuing Learning.
Photo credit: Chris McNulty