'Moving On' event held for students

Glasgow Clyde College recently held a ‘Moving On’ event to enable students from its Learning for Independence and Moving onto Independence courses to meet with support organisations.
The ‘Moving On’ event invited 11 organisations and 40 students along to meet and discuss career guidance, future employment opportunities and further additional support for learning within the workplace.
The event was delivered as part of Glasgow Clyde College’s Learning for Independence and Moving onto Independence courses which are aimed at young people who have additional support for learning needs and want to develop their skills and knowledge to progress beyond secondary school. The courses focus on improving personal and social development and practical skills.
Fiona Vest, Senior Lecturer at Glasgow Clyde College, said: “We engage with some of the most vulnerable learners and work with them to support their learning needs. Working closely with Workers' Educational Association, Glasgow City Council and the Voluntary Sector we can make sure our students receive the best opportunities possible.”
Katie Shirley, Glasgow Clyde College student, said:
“The event was packed with organisations that were ready to help me with my future and possibly find a job. Some of the organisation that attended were new to me and my parents and were exactly what I have been looking for, this has given me the help I need to start thinking about what I want to do in future.”
Organisations that attended the Moving On event included Enable Scotland, Glasgow Disability Alliance, Momentum Skills, Scottish Union of Supported Employment, Volunteer Glasgow, Fortune Works, Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living, Community Jobs Scotland, Capability Works, C-Change, Dates n Mates and the Autism Resource Centre.
Paul Lennon, Social Work Team Leader, said:
“The event is another positive example of further education working closely with a whole range of agencies to help, support, assist and guide students as they progress through life. It was a pleasure for the Autism Resource Centre to be part of the event and meet so many students, parents, carers and support staff.”