New Year, New You

by Brian Hughes, Vice Principal Curriculum and External Relations
Face masks, sanitising our shopping baskets and hours upon hours of video meetings - the last 10 months have been some of the most demanding any of us can remember.
Since March, we’ve all had to completely adapt our way of life. The pandemic forced the education sector to move online, family get-togethers and celebrations were cancelled, and offices, pubs, shops and restaurants had to close.
However, lockdown gave many the opportunity to pause and reflect, reevaluate priorities, and cherish what really matters. After months apart, our friends and family have come into sharper focus. We’ve seen first-hand the true value and heroics of our front-line workers. It has showed us the strength and will power we all have within us to rally against and overcome a global issue.
As we optimistically look ahead in the new year, many of us will be considering resolutions alongside our ambitions for 2021.
Education is an amazing outlet for opportunities to achieve personal growth in the new year and, at Glasgow Clyde College, we are constantly developing of our offering to ensure that we’re catering to all sectors and supporting employability.
With many new courses being added to the curriculum in the coming months, those looking to upskill or retrain should keep their eyes open as there may be something that caters to their ambitions for the new year. Below are some of the options which are available on your doorstop in 2021:
Become an expert in comics or sci-fi
Towards the tail end of last year, we launched an eight-week course titled ‘History of “The Batman”’. Such was the response from ‘bat-fans’ across the country, we’ve decided to run the course again in February, as well as courses titled ‘Villains of “The Batman”’ and ‘Star Trek: The Evolution’.
Pursue a career in horticulture
If you became ‘green-fingered’ during lockdown and fancy honing your skills, there are a range of opportunities at Glasgow Clyde College. Our Langside campus offers full-time Horticulture courses – from an introductory NC all the way up to an HND. For something to enjoy in your spare time, our Cardonald Campus is running an eight-week ‘Eco Flower Arranging’ evening course from the start of February, encouraging students to forage their local area to create interesting and sustainable designs.
Get a little bit more fashionable
The college also offers a suite of dressmaking courses – for beginners through to more advanced technicians. Whether you’re turning against ‘fast fashion’ or just fancy trying your hand at becoming a designer, this weekend and evening course can give you the skills you need to look good on those first nights out after lockdown.
Find out more about taking a Love to learn course at Glasgow Clyde College.