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College achieves White Ribbon Status

White Ribbon Scotland pictured with Student President

The College is delighted to achieve White Ribbon Status and was formally presented with the award by White Ribbon Scotland at a small ceremony on Friday 10 December.

Glasgow Clyde College Student Association (GCCSA) joined the White Ribbon Scotland Status Campaign (which aims to tackle men’s violence against women) in academic year 2019 / 2020. The College received the award in recognition of the work that it has done, led by GCCSA, to campaign and raise awareness of all forms of gender-based violence.

GCCSA wanted to get involved as Scottish Government data indicated high rates of domestic violence in Glasgow. It was clear to them that members of our college community could be affected but there was a lack of awareness of support available.  The GCCSA worked to raise awareness and to enhance support networks around the College for students and staff, but also in the wider community.

The work has encompassed three Student Officer teams and has continued despite the pandemic.

Presenting the award, Davy Thompson, Campaign Director White Ribbon Scotland said, “Three student teams in a row building on the work of each other to produce a series of events which together have delivered a sustained commitment to addressing violence against women by engaging men in the conversation. Delivering with the support of the College senior management team and staff and reaching out to the student body and beyond. An effort deserving of the award of White Ribbon Status. The initial Project stage complete, Glasgow Clyde College now moves forward with a sustainable GCCSA Led White Ribbon Campaign. Congratulations on your award and thank you for all your hard work.”

Some of the key points over the campaign were:

  • A White Ribbon Steering group was created
  • Campaign launched and gained support from the Principal
  • The GCCSA committed to supporting White Ribbon Day (25 November) and the 16 Days of Action that follow it each year.
  • Stalls were held on each campus to raise awareness and encouraging people to sign the pledge: “I pledge never to commit, condone or remain silent about men’s violence against women in all of its forms”.
  • A dedicated White Ribbon logo was created for use during any campaign promotion.
  • Awareness raising campaign continued online due to pandemic.
  • GCCSA gained support for the campaign from Chris Stephens MP for Glasgow Pollok, who raised an early day motion about the campaign.
  • The GCCSA team also met with Humza Yousaf MSP for Glasgow Pollok, who signed the pledge.
  • For 2021/2022 GCCSA aimed to reach the wider community again, as far as COVID circumstances would allow. They were able to:
  • Hold an event in Glasgow Central Station on White Ribbon Day to raise awareness.
  • Hosted a White Ribbon Scotland stall at Oran Mor on 26 November in Glasgow to engage with customers. Local band Man of Moon, who were playing that night, also supported the campaign.
  • Creation of a document with details of 16 support organisations which was shared with students.

The work hasn’t finished now that White Ribbon Status has been achieved, and the team are committed to a range of activities going forward to ensure that the College is a safe community for staff and students.