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Chris McQueer launches Glasgow Clyde College book swap library

Author Chris McQueer at the launch of Read, Return, Repeat

Scottish writer Chris McQueer launched a new swap library at Glasgow Clyde College as part of the Keep the Heid and Read campaign which promotes the benefits of books for mental health.

The author and former Glasgow Clyde College student read an extract from his hit novel, “Hings: Short Stories 'n that” before donating it to the library’s ‘Read, Return, Repeat’ bookshelf project - a section in the campuses’ library where students can borrow books to either keep or return, encouraging reading and preventing titles from ending up in landfill.

Keep the Heid and Read, part of Mental Health Week (9-15 May) is an initiative run by the Scottish Libraries and Information Council (SLIC), in partnership with libraries, mental health charities, publishers, booksellers and authors across Scotland.

The campaign urges people across the country to devote six minutes of their day during Mental Health Week 2022, to reading. According to the SLIC, reading for just six minutes can reduce stress by 68% and establishing a regular reading habit has the biggest impact on mental health and wellbeing.

Chris first honed his craft whilst enrolled in a creative writing night class held at Glasgow Clyde College five years ago, and has since gone on to release two books, in addition to having a successful career in TV and journalism.

David Marshall, Assistant Principal: Student Experience at Glasgow Clyde College said, “We’re honoured to support ‘Keep the Heid and Read’, which is such a valuable initiative.  Reading can not only bring joy and help us relax but can also have a hugely positive impact on our mental health - which is a major focus for Glasgow Clyde College.  We’d encourage everyone to pick up a book and try to fit in some time into their daily routine to read - even if it's only for a few minutes.

The swap shelves will be included in libraries and other central locations across Glasgow Clyde College’s three campuses.

Chris McQueer said: “Maybe this is no surprise given writing is my actual job but I absolutely love reading. It’s an excellent way to chill out especially when you’re ever feeling stressed and can also really make me laugh. I’d recommend picking up a book to anyone, and with so many different genres and authors out there, you’re bound to find something you like.”