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Cost of Living Webinars

Student sitting working at laptop

Throughout November there will be a series of webinars to help staff and students.

Money Advice Scotland

Scotland's Money Charity, Money Advice Scotland will be offering a series of financial wellbeing webinars (35-45minutes long) open to students and staff over the month of November (covering topics such as budgeting, borrowing, cost of living. For further information on the topics covered, date/time of sessions and how to book click here.

Additionally, Money Advice Scotland offer financial wellbeing workshops to classes/ staff groups, covering the following topics:

  • Budgeting and money management
  • Borrowing
  • Financial planning (renting, mortgages and financing a car)
  • Work and money
  • Cost of living crisis

For further information email:

Home Energy Scotland 

Home Energy Scotland (The Scottish Government’s free energy advice service) will be delivering two online sessions open to staff and students on how to keep warmer, make the best use of energy and save money on your bills. The webinars take place on Monday 21 November at 10am or 1pm. To book your place complete the Home Energy Scotland's registration form.

Work Shop Registration Link

The Cost of Living Crisis, Financial Wellbeing and our Mental Health

Is there any getting away from the cost of living crisis? How comfortable do you feel talking about your mental health when it comes to financial stress?

In this webinar, Dr Mike Oliver will explain why it's normal to feel anxious about the situation. We can't change it, but we can suggest practical, positive steps that you and the people you care for can take to help cope better during this challenging time. The two hour webinar will take place on Tuesday 22 Novemberat 12noon.

 Book your place here