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About Adult Community Learning Courses

Our community courses are free, however, to be eligible to join you must be:

  • Living in Glasgow
  • Claiming benefit, on a low income, not working
  • Over the age of 16

Priority for places is given to students living in the North West and South of Glasgow.

As part of the Young Person’s Guarantee priority will be given to young people aged between (16-24) who also meet the additional criteria.

Notebooks can be provided to support your learning. 

Courses run throughout the year and are based on community demand. Our courses are funded via Glasgow City Council Community Planning Partnership (Glasgow Communities Fund) and the Child Poverty Fund.

Glasgow's Community Learning and Development Plan

Glasgow Community Learning & Development 2018-2021 Annual Report is now available. View the Glasgow Community Learning & Development 2018-2021 Annual Report here. This report provides an update on the progress of the Glasgow’s Community Learning and Development (CLD) Plan 2018-2021.

Glasgow Community Learning & Development 2021-24 Strategic Plan is available. View the Glasgow Community Learning & Development 2021-24 Strategic Plan here. This is the city’s current three year plan for Community Learning and Development. 

Glasgow's Learning Promise to Learners

Come along to meet and learn with other learners!

Learning can be fun and challenging and aims to boost your confidence

As a learner in Glasgow you should get:

  • Information on learning opportunities
  • Help to identify your strengths and to set and achieve your goals
  • A learning plan to record your goals, learning and progress
  • If you want to move on to other opportunities, we will offer you support, guidance and learning that helps

Staff and volunteers will…

  • Be patient and friendly
  • Be helpful and prepared
  • Listen to you and involve you in planning and reviewing your learning
  • Ensure a safe and welcoming space for you to learn in

Where possible, we will offer programmes at times and in locations that suit your needs.

ESOL in Glasgow

Glasgow ESOL Register: For further information about ESOL courses in Glasgow and to sign up for the ESOL Access Register. 

Glasgow ESOL Register

New Scots Connect Map: A map to help people who are new to Scotland to find local support, friends, information, and advice.

New Scots Connect Map

Partners and Community Groups - Adult Community Learning

We can deliver courses specifically for your community group or organisation. To discuss creating a course for your group, please contact Victoria McHard on 0141 357 6115 or email  

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