Growing the Young Person’s Guarantee: First organisations sign up
The first organisations to back the £60 million Young Person’s Guarantee have been announced by Economy Secretary Fiona Hyslop.
Scotland’s A-List share career advice with Graduates
The First Minister, Christopher Kane and Jackie Bird amongst Scottish names to offer advice for Class of 2020
Glasgow Clyde College: STEM for all
STEM courses (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) are often pigeon-holed as being ‘best suited for men’. This misconception has been passed down through generations and reinforced by influencers.
Next generation of NHS recruits train in NHS Louisa Jordan
Over 150 HNC Healthcare Practice students are learning key skills to prepare for frontline service in the NHS Louisa Jordan, Scotland’s temporary hospital built on site at the Scottish Events Campus (SEC).
Holy Smokes! The UK’s first Batman course launches
Fancy delving deep into the psyche of the Dark Knight, studying the Caped Crusader’s training routine or simply want to finally get to the end of the Superman vs Batman debate?
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion remain at the heart of college life
We place a huge focus on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion – with one of the most diverse student populations of any educational establishment in Scotland.
Building a curriculum for the future
Whether it’s flying drones, making computer games or earning money as a stylish social media influencer; ask a group of young people what their dream job is and you might be surprised by the results.
New academic year, new normal
This week marked the start of our 2020/21 academic year – six months after shutting our doors when Scotland went into lockdown. Getting to this point is a real milestone for the college, one of the biggest challenges we’ve faced in our history.
Audit Scotland National Fraud Initiative
This college is required by law to protect the public funds it administers and is required to participate in the Audit Scotland National Fraud Initiative.
John Clark's 20th academic year marks biggest challenge to date
As the College reopens to a limited number of students for its 2020/21 academic year, the preparations which have taken place behind the scenes have been like no other.
School results don't need to define your career path
There are plenty of worthwhile pathways that can lead students into further education, apprenticeships or training.
Glasgow Clyde College raises over £6500 for city’s food banks
Glasgow Clyde College has donated £6591 to Glasgow food banks across the city after it was the first College in Scotland to join a national fundraising initiative ‘FE Foodbank Friday’.